Business Sweden would like to invite you to a Webinar on the 28th October 10:00 Swedish time where you will have the opportunity to hear more about what are on top of the Fintech agenda in Singapore and Hong Kong as well as how it is to expand and grow a company in the region.
Singapore and Hong Kong are two of the leading financial hubs in APAC but also on a global level. During this webinar you will listen in to two panels, where the first one will cover current fintech focus areas in the region and growing sectors with one expert from the respective market. The second panel will include two Swedes, one working in Singapore and one in Hong Kong to share their views on how it is to expand and grow a fintech company in the region.
Agenda 28th October: (Swedish time):
10.00-10.10: Info about Hong Kong Fintech Week and Singapore Fintech Festival
10:10-10:30: Panel 1: What are the latest things happening in Singapore and Hong Kong within fintech?
10:30-10:50: Panel 2: How is it to grow and expand a fintech company in the region?
10:50-11:00: Q&A
The webinar will be conducted over Microsoft Teams.
To register please click here.