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EU-seminar "The Battle of Data"


SweFinTech's Secretary General Louise Grabo yesterday attended a seminar in Brussels on Open Finance.

Politico arranged a seminar together with Payments Europe on FiDA - the EU-regulation on Access to Financial Data for Third Party Providers to evolve competition and innovation in the financial sector. The speakers were Louise Beaumont from Mastercard, Peter Kerstens from European Commission, Ondrêj Kovarik from the European Parliament and Tania Ziegler from

The next step in the legislative process would be for the Parliament and the Council to agree on their view of the regulation and then would the trilogue would start where they need to agree on the final regulation. The timeline would probably be affected by the European Parliament election next year which will delay the legislative process.

SweFinTech will follow the process, partly by dialogue with the Swedish Government but also with the European Parliament through our umbrella organisation EDFA - European Digital Finance Association.

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