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The industry association for swedish fintech 

     We gather the Swedish fintech industry to create a world leading fintech market. 

what we do

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we cooperate with authorities and government officials to improve the conditions for fintech to grow in sweden.

we create a network through events where the industry can meet and share both knowledge and experiences.

Prioritized issues

support the need for recruitment

The fintech industry is growing at a high rate. 93% of our member companies need recruiting but many find it challenging to find the right skills. SweFinTech works to ensure that the Swedish education system meets the industry's demand for tech competence but also for Sweden to better attract international competence by aiming at improving the system for employee stock options and talent visas. 

Promote innovation in swedish fintech

In order for innovation to be promoted in the financial system, both authorities and decision makers must familiarize themselves with new business models and gain a greater understanding of fintech as an industry. SweFinTech works to ensure that the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority is given the assignment to promote innovation in the financial market. 

open up the financial infrastructure

The ability to operate in the financial market is dependent on the financial system's infrastructure. Several fintech companies experience an uneven power in that they do no not have the same access to the financial infrastructure as traditional players. In a regulated market all players should compete on equal terms, which includes both traditional as well as innovative companies. 


interested in becoming a member?



upcoming events

  • Möte med AML-gruppen
    Möte med AML-gruppen
    Wed, 18 Sept
    18 Sept 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Vinge, Smålandsgatan 20, 111 46 Stockholm, Sverige
    18 Sept 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Vinge, Smålandsgatan 20, 111 46 Stockholm, Sverige
    Arbetsgruppen ses för att diskutera AMLR
  • DORA-arbetsgruppen
    Thu, 19 Sept
    Setterwalls advokatbyrå
    19 Sept 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Setterwalls advokatbyrå, Sturegatan 10, 114 36 Stockholm, Sverige
    19 Sept 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Setterwalls advokatbyrå, Sturegatan 10, 114 36 Stockholm, Sverige
    Avtalskraven i DORA – en leverantörs perspektiv
  • Träff med legal and compliancegruppen.
    Träff med legal and compliancegruppen.
    Thu, 10 Oct
    Bird & Bird
    10 Oct 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Bird & Bird, Norrlandsgatan 15, 111 43 Stockholm, Sverige
    10 Oct 2024, 08:30 – 10:00
    Bird & Bird, Norrlandsgatan 15, 111 43 Stockholm, Sverige
    Bird & Bird berättar om hur du som fintechbolag kan expandera internationellt.

Contact us

Policy Advisor
Görel Wästerlid

+46 70-820 41 57

Näringspolitisk sakkunnig
Görel Wästerlid

+46 70-820 41 57


Magnus Aronsson

Our address


Skeppsbron 34-36

111 30 Stockholm

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