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Medlemsmöte för legal/compliance-gruppen

Mon, 14 Mar



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Medlemsmöte för legal/compliance-gruppen
Medlemsmöte för legal/compliance-gruppen

Tid och plats

14 Mar 2022, 08:00

Östermalm, Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 Stockholm, Sverige


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Välkommen på årets första medlemsmöte med legal- och compliancegruppen den 14 mars!

Ämnet för det första mötet är AML/CFT där FCG kommer att ge en inledande presentation som sedan följs av en diskussion bland er deltagare.

Bakgrund till FCGs presentation:

Anti-money laundering has never been higher up on the agenda of boards and investors in the Nordics and globally. Regulation and industry practice has developed from a tick-box compliance approach to putting pressure on effective implementation and capability to manage risks. However, there are still challenges to face, new trends and methods to counteract, as nothing seems to be stopping the innovative fraudsters and criminal actors. To quote one CEO; banks seizing 1 per cent of criminal assets every year in Europe.

Fintech companies have great possibilities to improve the systems to prevent money-laundering and other forms of financial crime, especially as these crimes are also catapulted into digitalization. Meanwhile, many banks seem to be afraid that fintechs are associated with higher risk and use de-risking as an approach to mitigate the risk.

Current topics related to financial crime prevention of high relevance to fintech companies:

•             Are there AML/CTF risks that can be specifically associated with fintechs, considering digital currency, anonymity and cross-border transactions, mobile money and other forms of business relationships

•             What are the lessons learned from traditional banks that fintechs can benefit from, or should we be expecting the reverse?

•             Key issues in the complex landscape between technology providers, financial services, KYC obligations and transaction monitoring?

Var? FCGs kontor, Östermalmstorg 1, Stockholm

När? Måndag 14 mars kl. 08.00. Det kommer att bjudas på frukost och kaffe.

Maila gärna till om ni har någon matpreferens.

Sista anmälningsdag 7 mars.

Varmt välkomna!

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